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MS Excel for Legal Operations
Excel at Legal Productivity and Efficiency
Objectives of the course.
Introduction to the Course.
Module 1: Spreadsheets 101
General terms used in Excel.
Learn how to create, open, save and close a spreadsheet.
Try it! Create a new workbook.
Try it! Open a spreadsheet.
Try it! Save a spreadsheet.
Try it! Rename your file.
Try it! Close a spreadsheet
Learn how to add, delete and rename a sheet. (1:39)
Try it! Add a new sheet.
Try it! Delete a sheet.
Try it! Rename a worksheet tab.
Learn how to move or copy worksheets. (1:49)
Try it! Move a worksheet within a workbook.
Try it! Copy a worksheet in the same workbook.
Try it! Copy a worksheet to a new workbook.
Change the page orientation. (0:58)
Try it! Change the page orientation.
Review Module 1 and Quiz.
Module 2: Learn how to Enter and Manage Cell Data
Create a client intake form.
Discussion Board.
Enter data into your spreadsheet. (3:10)
Try it! Enter data in a cell.
Try it! Enter dates or time in a cell.
Try it! Today and Now functions.
Edit a cell. (1:16)
Try it! Delete characters in a cell.
Make changes in Edit mode.
Try it! Enable or disable Edit mode.
Try it! Enter Edit mode.
Try it! Exit Edit mode.
Try it! Insert, delete or replace cell contents in Edit mode.
Try it! Insert a cell.
Adjust the way cell contents are displayed. (1:38)
Try it! Adjust and change the cell size.
Wrap text in a cell.
Try it! Wrap text in a cell.
Resize and merge cells and align data. (3:18)
Try it! Align cell data.
Try it! Add a line break within a cell.
Try it! Make a cell taller or wider.
Try it! Merge cells.
Assignment: Create a client intake form.
Review Module 2 and Quiz.
Module 3: Format Numbers in Cells
Change the font type, size or color.
Try it! Select a font, font size, font color and border.
Format numbers in cells. (3:16)
Try it! Number format.
Try it! Format currency.
Try it! Format decimals.
Try it! Format the date.
Try it! Format a phone number.
Build custom numeric formats.
Try it! Use numeric formats.
Review Module 3 and Quiz.
Module 4: Highlight Important Data
Apply cell borders. (2:22)
Try it! Apply a predefined cell border.
Try it! Remove a cell border.
Apply cell shading. (1:36)
Try it! Fill cells with solid colors.
Try it! Fill cells with patterns.
Try it! Remove cell shading.
Review Module 4 and Quiz.
Module 5: Move and Copy Information in Cells
Select cells or ranges. (1:42)
Try it! Select cells or ranges.
Move or copy cell contents. (1:01)
Try it! Copy cells.
Try it! Move cells.
Try it! Move cells between existing cells.
Copy cell formatting.
Try it! Copy cell formatting: copy and paste.
Try it! Use format painter to copy cell formatting.
Try it! Copy cell formatting by dragging.
Review Module 5 and Quiz.
Module 6: Understand Rows and Columns
Create a file opening form.
Discussion Board.
Insert and delete rows or columns. (2:24)
Try it! Insert a column.
Try it! Delete a column.
Try it! Insert a row.
Try it! Delete a row.
Hide or unhide your columns. (1:23)
Try it! Hide Columns.
Try it! Unhide columns.
Resize rows and columns.
Try it! Resize rows.
Try it! Resize columns.
Try it! Automatically resize columns and rows.
Try it! Automatically resize all columns and rows to fit the data.
Freeze rows and columns. (2:08)
Try it! Freeze the first row or column.
Try it! Freeze rows and columns.
Try it! Unfreeze rows and columns.
Assignment: File Opening Template.
Review Module 6 and Quiz.
Module 7: Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide Numbers Using Formulas
What is a formula?
Use formulas to add, subtract, multiply and divide. (4:09)
Try it! Simple formula to add.
Try it! Simple formula to subtract.
Try it! Simple formula to multiply.
Try it! Simple formula to divide.
Try it! Create a formula that refers to values in other cells.
Try it! To see a formula.
Review Module 7 and Quiz.
Module 8: SUM Function to Add Some Numbers
Try it! Enter a formula that contains a built in function.
Quick Sum with the status bar.
Try it! Quick Sum with the Status Bar.
AutoSum wizard. (3:01)
Try it! AutoSum wizard.
SUM function. (2:00)
Try it! SUM function for addition.
Try it! SUM function for subtraction.
Try it! SUM function for multiplication.
Try it! SUM function for division.
Review Module 8 and Quiz.
Module 9: Create a Timesheet Template and a Billing Statement
Create a timesheet template to accurately track your billable hours.
Fee arrangements between lawyers and clients.
Discussion Board.
AutoFill time spans. (3:09)
Try it! AutoFill time spans.
Flash Fill.
Try it! Flash Fill.
Validate cell data.
Try it! Validate cell data.
Custom list.
Try it! Create a custom list.
Try it! Sort by custom list.
Assignment: Create a timesheet template and a billing statement.
Review Module 9 and Quiz.
Module 10: Create and Format Tables
Profit and loss statement.
Discussion Board.
Convert data to tables.
Create and format a table. (2:56)
Try it! Create and format tables.
Try it! Create a table.
Try it! Format a table.
Sort data in a table. (2:32)
Try it! Before sorting a table.
Try it! Check for empty rows or columns.
Try it! Sort the table.
Filter data in a table. (2:21)
Try it! Filter data.
Try it! Apply a custom filter.
Add a total row to a table.
Try it! Add a Total row to a table.
Filter data with slicers.
Try it! Convert data into a table before using a slicer to filter data.
Try it! Use a slicer to filter data.
Assignment: Create a Profit and Loss Financial Statement.
Review Module 10 and Quiz.
Module 11: Create Effective Charts for Trial or Client Presentations
Create charts. (2:12)
Try it! Create a chart.
Try it! Delete a chart.
Format charts.
Try it! Add a chart title.
Try it! Change the chart layout.
Try it! Change the chart style.
Try it! Select a theme style to add color.
Add Sparkline charts. (2:36)
Try it! Add a Sparkline chart.
Try it! Format a Sparkline chart.
Quick analysis of data.
Try it! Create a quick analysis chart.
Conditional formatting.
Try it! Conditional formatting using Quick Analysis.
Try it! Remove conditional formatting.
Review Module 11 and Quiz.
Module 12: Manage Law Firm Key Performance Indicators with a PivotTable
Key performance indicators.
Discussion Board.
PivotTables. (3:11)
Try it! Create a PivotTable.
Try it! Building out your PivotTable.
Work with PivotTables. (2:36)
Try it! Rearrange fields in a PivotTable.
Try it! Update the PivotTable with the latest source data.
Group Data.
Try it! Group data together.
Filter data with Slicers in PivotTables.
Try it! Insert slicers.
Create PivotCharts.
Try it! Create a PivotChart on a new worksheet.
Try it! Create a PivotChart Style.
Assignment: Key performance indicators.
Review Module 12 and Quiz.
Module 13: Collaborate with Others
Share workbooks.
Try it! Share a workbook.
Add, review and delete comments. (2:08)
Try it! Add a comment.
Try it! Review comments.
Try it! See all comments at once.
Try it! Move a comment.
Try it! Resize a comment.
Try it! Hide comments or their indicators.
Try it! Delete a comment.
Try it! Delete all comments on a sheet.
Password protect workbooks. (1:54)
Try it! Require a password to open a file.
Try it! Require a password to modify a file.
Try it! Require separate passwords to open and modify a file.
Review Module 13 and Quiz.
Module 14: Print your Spreadsheets
Change the page orientation. (1:28)
Try it! Change the page orientation when ready to print.
Print your worksheet. (1:44)
Try it! Print one or several worksheets.
Try it! Print one or several workbooks.
Try it! Print all or part of a worksheet.
Try it! Print an Excel table.
Try it! Print in either black and white or in color.
Print your worksheet to a file.
Try it! Print a workbook to a file.
Review Module 14 and Quiz.
Module 15: Review Excel Files Received from Clients or Opposing Counsel
Review the entire worksheet.
Understand filters.
Identify hidden rows, columns and worksheets.
Understand the Freeze Panes display features.
Find and expand truncated text.
Identify the boundaries of a worksheet.
Find the Worksheet’s print formatting.
Review Module 15 and Quiz.
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