Lawyer best placed to help colleague

  1. If you notice that your colleague has been down lately, it may be a good idea to check on their wellbeing.
  2. Prolonged depression is unhealthy.
  3. There are some questions below to get the conversation started:
  4. Asking about wellbeing, like “How are you doing in your career / job / life?” and asking "What can I do to help?” may go some way to alleviate depression.
  5. Lend a listening ear by offering to listen to their emotional reactions to cases, work or colleagues. All information shared will have to be kept confidential.
  6. Referring colleague to Law Care at 6536 6366 (Counselling and Care Centre Block 536 Upper Cross Street#05-241 Hong Lim Complex Singapore 050536).
  7. Providing social support by taking colleague out to lunch, ensuring she is not alone for too long in the office after work hours will also help to alleviate depression.

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